California Dental Insurance Plans
Question: I want something I can wear daily that does not look like ridiculous cartoon teeth while I save up for actual dental work. My teeth are stained, and gaped/crooked and it is really something that upsets me. I found some different types of temporary false teeth online but still not sure what to do. Obviously, snap in teeth are not going to look perfect and natural but I’d really like to find something that is passable for the time being.
Answer: I would say that Snap on smile is the best and looks the best. Snap on smile is a good temporary solution. It is a removable appliance that covers your teeth. However since they go on top of your teeth, they do not always blend well with your gums and may not look natural if you show your gums when you smile.
Another thing to keep in mind is price. If price is a factor for you, they can run between $500 – $1000 per arch. That is a lot of money to just cover up teeth that still need to be repaired. In addition most dental insurance companies do not offer any benefits for snap on smiles.
This may not be what you want to hear but I would really look into this more and talk to your dentist and see what options are good for you. Make sure it cost effective. You stated you are in the process of saving your money to fix your teeth, I would not waste money on something that is temporary and instead just focus on getting the required dental care you need for your teeth so that you can have a better smile as well as good oral health.